Groups & Classes

Taylor offers classes and monthly support groups for late-diagnosed autistic adults (both self and professional diagnoses are welcome). Scroll down to see a list of all current offerings as well as a Q&A.

What people are saying about Mom on the Spectrum community events:

Isolation in the Pandemic, coupled with trying to unravel and assimilate (for lack of a better word!) this new way of understanding myself, has led to so much social awkwardness for me– I feel more unsure than ever! I haven’t had people I could talk to. It was just so amazing to share and listen to people I could relate to.
— Jenn
Thank you so freaking much!! This was wonderful. While terrifying to put myself out there in such a tumultuous time, I am so glad I participated and didn’t skip. Hearing everyone’s perspectives is comforting and validating and safe.
— Sophia
Being able to find these community groups and connect with other autistic adults has helped me in so many ways such as knowing that it’s okay to feel comfortable being who I am, and just knowing that there are all kinds of autistic and unique people with unique minds out there and that we are not alone.
— Noel
I just wanted to say thank you - not only for the class that you ran on meltdowns, but for the community you’ve gathered. I cannot tell you the amount of intellectual and emotional progress I have made just since our class yesterday. So many insights, so much validation, so many tears of relief in the last 24 hours. Just today, for the first time in my 32 years, I consciously stopped a meltdown in its tracks. I was able to communicate the signs I noticed, and what I needed in the moment with my loved ones. I have a lot of growing to do, but I look forward to growing with the expertise and experience you share in your channel, and with the community of like-minded adults I now get to be a part of.
— Erika
I just wanted to express my gratitude for this incredible community platform you’ve created. It’s honestly such a special space, unlike anything I’ve come across before. I wish I would have been able to let my guard down sooner! Meeting you and everyone else in the group has been fantastic and such a pleasure. Thanks for creating such a wonderful opportunity for us all to connect.
— J.

👇 List of Groups & Classes 👇

Q&A | What to Expect

What do I need in order to participate?

All groups and classes are run through Google Meet. You do not need any type of account or login to access the event. The link to join is sent out in advance via email.

For the best experience, please ensure you have a fast internet connection and are able to keep your camera on a flat surface if you choose to use the camera feature. (You are also welcome to keep your camera off). This helps prevent sensory overwhelm for the group by reducing the visual shakiness that occurs when one holds their camera in their hands.

What if I’m uncomfortable sharing with the group?

You’re not alone! This is a common experience in the autistic community. Many others have said:

  • “I don’t know how to say what I want to say.”

  • “I’m afraid what I have to say won’t make any sense.”

  • “I have a lot of social anxiety and am unsure how to interact with the group.”

  • “I don’t know when to speak.”

  • “I don’t want to take away from others or overshare.”

Taylor will work with the group to make sure everyone knows exactly what to expect and will send out a list of discussion questions in advance. You never have to share anything unless you’d like to share.

Ways to participate:

  • Listening only

  • Camera off, microphone on when sharing

  • Camera on, microphone on when sharing

  • Text chat only

If/when you’re ready to share, there is a hand raise button you can click. Taylor will call on group members with their hands raised and will let you know exactly when it’s your turn to speak.

More often than not, group members will say “that was one of the best group experiences I’ve ever had!” Or, “I wasn’t sure exactly what I was saying but I finally felt understood.”

These groups have proven over time to be consistently safe and accommodating spaces for people with all different communication preferences/needs.

How are the events structured?

For 90-minute classes like Meltdowns 101 or Autistic Inertia & Demand Avoidance, you can expect 2 main components:

  1. Optional introductions where each group member will have the chance to share with the group in alphabetical order. Typical introduction questions are “What is your name and where are you calling in from?” The introduction questions for your group are sent out in advance. You can let Taylor know beforehand if you’d like her to skip you, or if you’d prefer to answer in the text chat.

  2. Slideshow presentation with built-in discussion questions that are emailed out in advance. The discussion questions are optional and Taylor will only call on people with their hand raised.

For support groups that meet weekly, the session is typically based on questions sent in by group members in advance. Taylor emails out the list of questions before each session.

The bottom line is: no matter what type of event you sign up for, Taylor will send out an email in advance that provides specific details about exactly what to expect. To view an example, click here.

Click here to view Community Guidelines.

Feel free to email Taylor at with any questions.

Also, there are occasionally scholarship opportunities for those needing financial assistance to attend. Please email for more information.

Your tribe is here when you’re ready to join us!